Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekend Update

So I ended up not going in on Friday.  I didn't get any response from my boss, so no idea what that means.  I've been wanting to spend all day in bed, did all day Friday, got up for only a few hours begrudgingly since my husband poked me out of bed.  Then he insisted I call my Doc if the meds weren't working since I hadn't been to work in two days and not at all the week before.  So I called my Doc who said they would call me back and emailed my counselor.  My doc's office called back and gave me the number to a psychiatrist so they could help diagnose and medicate me better.  Then my counselor called, and said she had talked to my doc about this earlier in the week and that they were s'posed to have called me.  Good to know they are on top of their shit, fuckers.  I could have gotten an appt much earlier and maybe not have missed work.  Now I've had to leave a message and go to work on Monday and hope not to be fired and that I can get a call to get evaluated soon.  I'm still taking the effexor at 150 and a benzo at night to help me sleep.  Not sure what else I can do, things are worse in the morning and when I feel like I have to go out in public.  I was proud of myself for leaving the house and going to get a pack of smokes yesterday, first time I've left the house since Wednesday.  not that I'm s'posed to be smoking with my Emphysema or bronchitis, but sometime the ecig just doesn't cut it when you are freaked out.  well see how i feel tomorrow.
signing off
the anxious donkey

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